Sunday, 20 March 2011

A new voice guides me as a medium

When I read through my notes from the past ten or so years and begin to write this blog, I still shake my head at what has happened and how. I continue to question how and why this paranormal stuff can possibly happen, more so to a person who questions anything and everything on a daily basis.

It is not the easiest thing to accept all this either. Yet, while it is much safer being normal, having the good job and happy family existence, the chance that I enlighten myself (if that is the result of my coming out about all this), is too compelling. Besides, if nothing else, it is really nice not to experience the headaches!  

One of my earliest experiences of being introduced to a guide from the other side was six months after the dream group sessions had commenced. At the request of Darlene, the woman who was the recipient of my first channelling experience all those years, I reluctantly agreed (after two months of her pleading) to listen to the dream of a friend of hers that was going through a really rough patch in her life. At that time of my life, I really had little interest in becoming a medium or delving into this side of my life. It was all too raw.     

We met at Darlene’s house on a Saturday when I was supposedly heading to the football. Partly out of nervousness that I was suddenly being thrust into the role of dream adviser or medium to people I didn’t know (reluctantly I might add), I meditated for about an hour before I arrived at Darlene’s place and also for ten minutes before Kelly* arrived.

Kelly was a thin woman in her mid fifties and nothing stood out about her except her tired eyes (for me, the eyes really are a window to the soul). She told me the dream she wanted to share with me was recurring over many months. Other than that, she told me very little of herself.

Almost as soon as I introduced myself and shook her hand, I ‘sensed’ the presence of an older man associated with Kelly. He ‘stood’ over in a corner, like he wasn’t sure about getting too close to her. I ‘felt’ it was a balding man in his sixties – maybe her Dad?

With the formalities over, Kelly began her recurring dream:

‘In my dream, I’m at work in an office job, but it is a different location to where I normally work. It is dark both inside and outside. I’ve been out to lunch somewhere and when I come back to the office there are several phone messages written on paper that have been placed under my phone. People are running around the office in different directions and my boss is shaking his head at me and laughing at me while whispering in the ear of his secretary. There is pandemonium everywhere. I realise I’m working for a shipping company and there has been an incident with one or more of our vessels, we can’t find out if the crew are OK. I keep thinking big empty vessels. I try to call people to find out what has happened, try to return messages but there are people coming in and out of my office. Christ, I’m the bloody PR officer. Then the wives of the men who work on the ships burst into my office, trying to protest at what has happened and sniggering at me. Are their husbands OK? They are causing a disturbance while I’m trying to phone people back. I feel tense, stressed, agitated and out of control and my boss keeps on peering at me but won't help. Why is he still whispering to his secretary?Get these people out, I scream. Another group of woman come in, their husbands have lost their jobs on the ships and they have come in to make my life a misery, throwing my things around the office, putting things in the bin, turning my computer off and pulling the phone out of the wall. ‘How do you like that?’ they ask. I can’t properly read the writing on the messages, to know who to call to be able to find out how serious the incidents are. This is my dream.’

Almost from the time she spoke, the ‘presence’ of the bald man moved closer to here and kept ‘speaking’ to me in a soft and almost apologetic voice. At the same time I kept writing a combination of my own thoughts and words he was ‘passing on’ to me.

This is what I wrote and fed back to Kelly:

 The dream reminds me of a feeling of being imposed upon – you didn’t stand up for yourself, you were relying on others making decisions for you.

 The dream reminds me of the book, I think it is called Heart of Darkness – the unfriendly setting, the feminine forces at work, the feeling of being out of control, feeling lost, needing help.

The dream reminds me of the saying - When the chips are down, you’re on your own. It seems no one was prepared to help you.

 The dream reminds me that some men feel that women are out of place in the work environment – perhaps you felt in the dream that the women were trespassing on your space.

 The dream reminds me of the Tarot Card – The Tower – things falling apart, change is needed. If I don’t change nature will make it happen. The feminine energy of the women in the office is creating a personal earthquake. I need to change my attitude to be able to see the messages.

 The dream reminds me of the term women trouble – some men feel they can be bothersome, destructive and have nothing to contribute.

 The dream reminds me that sometimes we get clogged up, what I would call spiritual constipation. Until we find the right glasses to be able to open the spiritual channels, we will feel we are up against it.

 The dream reminds me that women sometimes have an important message to deliver to males. Although I think the women are getting pleasure out of seeing me suffer in the dream is unfair, there is actually a message for me the male – the feminine part of my psyche needs attention and some direction.

 The dream reminds me of the saying - feeling all at sea. The ships are struggling, you are working for a shipping company, you are struggling – you are ALL at sea.

 The dream reminds me of opening Pandora’s Box – in the dream. I feel like I’ve opened up a Pandora’s Box of problems. However, if I stop, work out why the women are there, attend to their immediate needs and calm the situation for everyone and myself in my office, things may change for the better. In life itself, we sometimes think that we are opening up a Pandora’s box every day we wake up, but once we change our attitude, open up our psyche to new possibilities and attitudes, our life opens up for the better.

 The dream reminds me of the fact that you didn’t confront the problem at hand – you were too distracted by the women.

He’s telling me he is sorry for leaving a mess and for his infidelity.

This became my pattern of channelling through the dreams that others experienced. My feedback from ‘the other side’ would include metaphors and examples, sayings or experiences that the dreamer could related to as delivered by me on behalf of someone who had passed. And it would almost always end with a direct message from the departed.

After the session, Kelly told me that her husband had died of a heart attack nine months earlier and she subsequently discovered his financial affairs were a mess. She had also suspected but could never confirm that he had been having an affair with a woman at his work.

I didn’t like seeing her in tears, however she assured me that she was relieved and was thankful. I’m not sure I felt the same way at the time.   

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