Tuesday, 20 March 2012

The fight is over - I'm back!

After many, many internal battles, I'm convinced my 'work' is not done and I'm being implored by some strong spiritual presence to start writing again. It has been nearly a year but I return stronger and with a lot more knowledge too.

I'm being guided towards helping others receive messages via their dreams so that is what I will do. It is something I've been contuing in any case while I had my blogging hiatus.

If you have a dream you want some guidance on (free, I will never charge for readings of any sort), please email me at wcmedium@gmail.com and while I canoot gurantee what comes up, I am always guided by the principle of being honest and being guided by the spirits that just won't leave me at peace.     


  1. It's great to see you're back! Your blog always had (for the brief time it was around) straight from the heart content. Believe me, it was missed.

    I'm concerned about the spirits that "won't leave you in peace", though. Are they pestering you to continue the blog, not continue the blog, or does the blog have anything to do with it?

  2. I heard about you from the Paranormalia Blog. I found that most of the anxiety,fear, upset feeling, feeling of being invaded etc. in me was replaced by a deep feeling of peace when I drastically changed my diet and lifestyle. It took (and still continuing) about a year to figure things out. Now there is a calm inner spaciousness inside me that has plenty of room and peace to invite any spirits to come to my table for tea and 'bacon'. We can discuss and they don't have to feel they have to fight through my diet induced brainfog and lethargy or hyperness to contact me and wake me up in the middle of the night. This has been my experience and a way I deal with my particular health issues that I feel have a bearing on my inner life. Looking forward to more posts!
